Monday, November 15, 2010

Canadian Roma Project

Endemic discrimination against Roma appears to be growing in all of Eastern Europe. Attacks on Roma, open discrimination and abuse by government officials exist, and appear to be part of a broad social pattern of discrimination and marginalization which seems likely to continue into the foreseeable future. There is evidence that this discrimination increases at times of economic hardship such as extreme poverty, segregated schools, lack of employment all on the grounds of race and colour.
As more Roma settle in Canada, mostly in the GTA, we need to educate the public, especially other students as these children are being integrated into Canadian society.
In order to ensure productive and educated future Canadians, education must take place at all levels, especially at schools.
The Roma Community & Advocacy Centre of Toronto is offering a program to Canadian schools at the primary and secondary levels to acquaint students with the origins, history, culture and language of the Roma people. We also address the current situation of the Roma people in the former Soviet-Bloc countries which is forcing many Roma families to seek Convention-refugee status here in order to escape widespread systemic discrimination and persecution. We also address the issues facing the recent arrivals as they attempt to integrate into Canadian society.
A program was launched in 1988 but due to lack of funds is virtually non existent.
Let us help to ensure that Canada in not a place of hate & discrimination and that here in Toronto, the Roma will not be treated as the "Eternal Outsider"

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